Papers accepted to be published in 2023

Joskaudė Pakalkaitė. 2023. Redesigining Online Spaces for Consumer Well-being. 

Published academic papers

Danielle Barrios-O'Neill and Joskaudė Pakalkaitė. 2022. Exploring Next-Generation Touch-Rich Interactions for Consumer Well-being. Available at: 

Joskaudė Pakalkaitė. 2022. Connecting Colour-Coding and Hand-Drawn Interfaces for Study Resources Menu and Navigation to Enrich Student Learning Experience. Available at: 

Joskaudė Pakalkaitė. 2021. Development of Noise-free Digital Interfaces: Hand-drawn interfaces for consumer well-being. Available at:

Academic papers and posters presented at conferences

MeCCSA-PGN 2021 Dreaming of Another Place Conference, University of Brighton, 9th and 10th September 2021.

Your Voice Matters: Postgraduate Research in Social Sciences PhD Conference, University of East Anglia, 7th July 2021.

Conferences organised

DWT 2019: Exploring Innovation within Technology, Design and Well-being. Falmouth University. 10th October, 2019.

This seminar aimed to create a new multidisciplinary platform for researchers, professionals and academics of all stages who are working within the industries and research areas of Wellbeing, Technology and Design. Academics and research students from Falmouth University presented their work-in-progress and projects that explore innovation within these research areas.


In April 2019, I have worked on the gender studies research project at University of Exeter as a Data Administrator-Research Fellow. To be more specific, I have helped out with the data collection on this project and my contribution was acknowledged at the published report called 'Power Shift: How to build Gender Balance in the Energy Research Portfolio'. You can read more about this research here:

Copyright 2022 @Joskaudė Pakalkaitė (Yoshi)
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